Friday, March 2, 2007

My Very First Post (aka nothing much to report)

Well, I've been tossing about the idea of creating a blog for a while, so tonight I figured I might as well go ahead and do it. With any luck, I'll think of lots of things to say, and I'll say them well, and we shall all be happy. With a little less luck, I'll still have lots to say but won't say it well. Booo. With even less luck, this will be the only post. I don't think that will happen. Do you?

Anyway, if you're reading this first post, you probably know that I'm unemployed. I need a job. Badly. If you know of any jobs that I'd like, feel free to send them my way. But you already know all of this.

Hmmm...something you don't know. Did you know there's a lunar eclipse tomorrow? Alas, over here on the west coast, it will pretty much be over by moonrise. On the east coast, the moon will already be eclipsed when it rises and will start to reappear shortly thereafter.

Perhaps I should have picked a day when I had more to say to create this blog.

Until post # 2, I bid you good day!


At March 3, 2007 at 4:23 PM , Blogger Parsley said...

100 Best places to work in Oregon - check their websites and see if they have any boring cubicle jobs. Probably not what you want but it would get you out of the house and pay you a little at least.

At March 3, 2007 at 5:12 PM , Blogger Kaknuckle said...

I missed that eclipse -- damned rotating shiftwork. I finally got that Pink Floyd Pulse show on DVD and it rocks. I'll bring it over next time I see you, hopefully that won't take five years ;)

At March 3, 2007 at 11:03 PM , Blogger Eric said...

Ha! I saw Pulse on OPB (Oregon's version of PBS) on thursday. Crazy! I doubt that it was the whole thing, though. We'll definitely have to watch it sometime.


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