Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hamilton Mountain

I went hiking on Monday. My friend, Nick, called me after lunch and asked if I wanted to go to Hamilton Mountain, for a hike. I said that I would definitely be up for that, so off we went. Hamilton Mountain is in Beacon Rock State Park, in Washington. I wish I had brought my camera, because it was a nice hike. Maybe next time. But yeah, the hike was nice. We didn't go all the way to the top because Nick was just getting over a cold, but we went to the top of what I believe is known as "middle Hamilton," sort of a lower peak. From it, you had a nice view of Beacon Rock, and the Bonneville Dam. It was also the right time of year to see all sorts of wildflowers. To name a few, Indian Paintbrush, Upland Larkspur, and wild strawberries. Unfortunately, I didn't get to enjoy the hike back down very much because my knee started to hurt, and I had to go to the bathroom, but enough said about that. I would definitely recommend it if you find yourself in the area with a few hours to kill. If you don't have time for the Hamilton hike, you can always just climb Beacon Rock.



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