Friday, May 4, 2007

Drinkin' Time


You have to see this.

Can you imagine what the people in the tour group must have thought about Dartmouth after going through this?

And yes, Keggy is a (semi-)official mascot at Dartmouth. I saw him once or twice at football games during my senior year. It's good to know he's still around.

In other news, Happy Birthday to me.


At May 6, 2007 at 11:10 AM , Blogger Parsley said...

Hey, do you know when Keggy came into existence? Because I'm thinking they might just be ripping off my school's mascot, Bingie the Underage Drinking Otter.

At May 6, 2007 at 1:33 PM , Blogger Eric said...

I'd say it was during my junior or senior year. I'd lean towards senior. So that would put it late in 2001, most likely.

Heh, Bingie. I remember that little guy.


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