Monday, May 28, 2007

A Working Man, At Long Last

Well, I've begun that job dealing cards. I seems like it should work out just fine to me. I've dealt in two tournaments so far, both being $500 freerolls. Each time, I was one of the last dealers cut, and last night, as I left, one of my bosses told me that he liked my style of dealing and that they wanted me to work a lot. This works just fine for me, especially since the tips have been ok so far, and only stand to get better. I made $20 in 4 hours for the first tournament, and $30 in 5 hours during the second, and the customers haven't even been conditioned to tip yet, so only a few people really tipped much.

Just thought I'd update y'all.

Also, I just started to read Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis. Has anyone else read it?

Until next time, Cheers!


At May 30, 2007 at 6:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the hiring, and the tips! Good luck out there with the big spenders!


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